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Red Rocket Couriers: 3 Bizarre Consignments - Part 1

“What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever worked on?”

“Are there any jobs that you’ve ever turned down?”

“Rank the strangest things you’ve transported - what’s your top three?”

We could go on forever about common questions that we’re forever being asked. As you well know, at Red Rocket Couriers, our service is incredibly flexible and we always aim to please our all-important customers. From documents and pharmaceuticals to large loads and livestock, we’ve proudly worked on all kinds of consignments in the past.

In this post, we’ll cover three of the most bizarre consignments that we’ve had to work on. Whether it’s an odd request from the customer, going way above and beyond for the job or anything else, we’ll include it all in this post. We’ve had some belters, so, without further ado, let’s get into it!

We’ll cover:

  • Football Boot Frenzy

  • The Most Important Tea Towel in the World

  • Passport Delivery: Race Against Time

  • Red Rocket Couriers: Our Monthly Update

Football Boot Frenzy

We’re no stranger to helping professional football teams with various requests - for example, helping transport training equipment to pre-season tours and more. In this case, a Peterborough United player had forgotten his new boots - we’ve all been there, haven’t we? However, we weren’t going to make the pro root around in the lost property like we had to.

We picked up a brand new pair from the Adidas factory in Stockport and set off on our long journey to St James’ Park. No, not Newcastle (if only it was that close), the home of Exeter City Football Club. We made good time and delivered the boots way before the scheduled kick-off - only for the game to eventually be called off. Typical.

The Most Important Tea Towel in the World

Who knew tea towels could be so important? We certainly didn’t. However, one consignment required us to collect a single tea towel from an Aldi in Aberdeen and transport it down to Brighton. We know, it’s an obscure request - however, the devil is in the detail within the filming industry.

A couple of weeks before, the film crew had completed scenes with a particularly designed tea towel. Then a few weeks later when they came to rejig the scene, they needed to reshoot some parts and required that very tea towel. You’d have at least thought somewhere between Aberdeen and Brighton would’ve stocked one, wouldn’t you?

Passport Delivery: Race Against Time

Getting to the airport and forgetting your passport is the stuff of nightmares, isn’t it? Especially when you’re travelling to New Zealand and can’t easily find a cheap fayre should you miss your flight. This very situation happened to one of our customers who called us 5 hours before their flight was due to leave Heathrow.

We managed to collect the passport and get to Heathrow in good time so our customer could easily make their flight. Otherwise, they’d have been facing costs well into the thousands with new flights needing to be booked and further hotel costs. Crisis averted - phew!

Red Rocket Couriers: Our Monthly Update

It’s time for our monthly update again! Your chance to see what’s going on behind the scenes each month at Red Rocket Couriers. As you can tell from the afore-mentioned consignments, no two months are the same and there are definitely jobs that keep us on our toes - but we love it. And wouldn’t have it any other way, that’s for sure.

We’re Award Winners - Again!

Firstly, celebrations are in order - we’ve done it again! Recently, we were awarded a London and South East Prestige Award, recognising us as a 2022 winner for Courier Service of the year. We’re over the moon with the recognition and, of course, believe that it’s thoroughly well deserved.

We couldn’t have done this without our amazing team - you’ll hear more about the wider Red Rocket Couriers team in the later sections. Without them, our service wouldn’t continue to run seamlessly each day. We’re thankful for all that our team does - and, of course, a massive thanks to all of our much-loved customers too.

Marching On Together With Our Leeds Lot

Our Leeds courier team have been putting in the hard yards throughout April - and we feel they deserve some serious recognition! Long hours, early starts and high mileage, it’s all worth it in the end. We’ve smashed some excellent numbers throughout this month, and long may it continue throughout the rest of the year.

Great work team - let’s keep it up!

Big Up Our Exceptional Edinburgh Squad

North of the border, things haven’t been quiet either. Our Edinburgh team has seen a lot of changes since the turn of the year. Throughout the first quarter, you’d never have realised that this well-oiled machine had only been together for such a short period. Morale is certainly high and it’s a joy to be a part of.

Our Edinburgh courier service encapsulates everything that we’re about as a courier service - top stuff team, you’re appreciated aplenty!

Our Welsh Wonders - Praise to Our Cardiff Crew

Throughout all corners of the UK, Red Rocket Couriers provide a model service for all of our customers - and there’s nothing different in Cardiff. Our team in South Wales have received some of the best feedback that we’ve ever seen. Of course, we think our team are ace - but hearing our customers say the same really means a lot.

With unbelievable professionalism and quality attention to detail, our Cardiff crew are absolutely flying - here’s to more top feedback!

We Can Help You!

As you’ve read, at Red Rocket Couriers, we’re incredibly flexible with our service offering. No matter what size the consignment is, we can help you - our expert team is dedicated to finding the right solution for you. That way, you can send and receive your items with as little worry or concern as possible.

It doesn’t matter how bizarre the request is (and believe us, they get weirder - stay tuned for part 2 later in the month), we’re here to help you. If you need of a reliable courier service to instil your trust in, please look no further - we’re here to help you and our experienced team guarantee the perfect service every time.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch - our team is always on hand to answer any questions or queries that you may have. What are you waiting for? We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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