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The Effects of COVID-19 at Red Rocket Couriers

As the end of September takes us past the six-month mark of varied lockdown restrictions, you’d be lying if you were to say that the global pandemic hasn’t impacted your life in some way. And no, we’re not just talking about catching the deadly virus, we’re referring to the lasting effects it’s had on the wider world as we know it.

Of course, through nobody’s fault, it’s been a real shame to see some businesses close their doors for lockdown and, unfortunately, not be able to reopen them. The pandemic has been brutal for businesses, with cuts and savings being made at every opportunity. A lot of companies have seen a decrease in service and use, however, we’re glad to tell you that Red Rocket Couriers aren’t in that bracket.

Before we start, we need to outline that this post isn’t to brag about how well we’re doing. Or, laugh in the faces of businesses who are in a lesser position - that’s not who we are. What we’re outlining here is how we’ve had to adapt our services due to the effects of COVID-19 and the sectors that we’ve supported to help others cope with drastic changes.

We’ll cover:

  • PPE Equipment Deliveries

  • Hospital and Health Service Support

  • COVID Testing Delivery and Collection

  • Office Equipment Transportation

PPE Equipment Deliveries

PPE is everywhere at the minute - it has to be by law! On a personal level, people in the UK can be issued with a £200 fine for not wearing a face mask or covering. They’re compulsory on public transport, in shops and shopping centres and in restaurants and bars when you’re not seated at a table. There’s no escaping PPE - it’s keeping the nation safe.

If a business is found to not be following the proper protocols and adhering to the PPE regulations in place, they can be forced closure or hit with a pretty hefty fine. That’s the last thing that businesses need at the minute, more outgoings. Plus, they want to ensure that their team members and customers are as safe and comfortable as possible in any interaction. There’s a huge demand for it.

For this PPE to reach people and businesses, there needs to be somebody to deliver it. If only we knew someone up for the job? Oh wait, that’s us. Over the past six months, we’ve been working tirelessly with businesses and individuals delivering PPE. Whether it’s long-standing contracts with businesses who need to replenish their stock constantly or one-off drops, we’ve accommodated all types of jobs.

Hospital and Health Service Support

The NHS has come under a lot more stress since the pandemic broke out - and that’s on top of the shortages and pressures they’re constantly under with normal life. They’ve been amazing and it’s so nice to see everybody finally recognising the establishment for what an incredible service we’re lucky to have. Alongside everyone, we’re so thankful for the NHS.

We’ve been doing our bit to give back to the NHS and working alongside them too. Of course, they’ve needed the most PPE out of everyone but that’s not the only deliveries they’ve needed. Our services have eased the pressure on equipment, drugs and medicine and any extra support being delivered. Our fleet of vehicles allows us to be completely flexible, meaning that any support they’ve required, we can easily provide.

We’ve been helping hospitals, health centres and general practices around the UK - it’s good to give back to the wider community, as well as the local ones too. If there’s one thing that health services need, it’s an efficient and reliable courier that they can depend upon time after time. And with us, that’s exactly what they’ve got. We’re so proud to be helping the most crucial services in overcoming this deadly virus in any way that we can.

COVID Testing Delivery and Collection

There’s been a huge priority on testing over the last few months and various ways to do so too. Walk-in clinics, online testing kits and health centre appointments are all ways in which you can access a COVID test. Although there are different methods, they all need equipment transporting and the tests themselves need to be safely transported to labs.

There are various points within the process in which we come into it. Firstly, we’ve been helping health centres and medical practices have the right equipment in place so that they can carry out the tests in the first place. We’ve been delivering testing kits around the UK, so that we can successfully reach an adequate number of tests that need to be carried out each day for overall safety.

From there, once the tests have been safely carried out and handled correctly, we’ll transport them back to the labs so that they can be run through the tests by professionals. Of course, we need to handle these with care, so that we don’t ruin a van-load worth of tests and waste everybody’s time and money involved. As always, Red Rocket Couriers treat every delivery with the due care and attention required and guarantee the items you’re sending will reach their destination safely and timely.

Office Equipment Transportation

Businesses have been forced to work from home (where they can) since March. That’s seen a lot of jobs for us moving office equipment to team members’ houses. To get the most out of remote working, it’s key for your team to feel as comfortable at home as they do in the office. Plus, they’ll need to use work equipment so that they’re not putting too much stress on their own belongings.

Desks, office chairs and overall office equipment have commonly been transported home so that workers can still efficiently get the job done. At Red Rocket Couriers, we’ve had no problem helping plenty of businesses keep their operations rolling on a remote basis. As we’ve mentioned, we have a large fleet of vehicles that allow us to transport any items imaginable.

Business owners were a little sceptical about moving everything out of their offices at the start of lockdown, naturally. They’ve invested in the office space for a reason, but desperate times called for innovative measures and that’s exactly what we’ve taken to help businesses continue to thrive.

IT equipment has been a popular one during these past few months. Obviously, businesses are relying heavily on technology to allow them to keep things up and running. Desktops and laptops have become more priceless than ever - especially with the importance placed on video calls and staying connected while working from home.

Red Rocket Couriers Can Help With All Your Courier Needs

Even in these unprecedented times, we’re continuing to adapt and accommodate our customers' every need. One thing that customers are craving at the minute is reassurance - and that’s in everything, not just business terms. With Red Rocket Couriers, that’s exactly what you get. We care about our customers, which is more than what a lot of others can say!

So, you’ve seen the areas that we’re providing support to customers throughout the pandemic and we’ll continue to do so too! If you’re in need of a courier that you can rely upon time and time again, then look no further. Of course, these aren’t the only areas that we’re working on at present but we’re still operating at full tilt to meet all your needs and requirements.

For more information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us! Our expert team is always on hand to answer any questions or queries you may have, plus, alleviate any worries that you may have in these uncertain times. Lastly from us at Red Rocket Couriers, stay safe and take care!

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